The Times - Concise - Times2 Jumbo 246 - November 10, 2007

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Clues Answers
Australian native ABORIGINE
Capital of Cameroon Republic YAOUNDE
Card game for one PATIENCE
Castle in Hamlet ELSINORE
Clarity of speech ENUNCIATION
Classical lied ARTSONG
Classical playwright (Alcestis, Electra, etc) EURIPIDES
Close by ATHAND
Division into two opposed aspects DUALISM
English Civil War leader OLIVERCROMWELL
Extinct migratory bird PASSENGERPIGEON
Famous armless statue VENUSDEMILO
Fish rice and eggs dish KEDGEREE
Foot support in riding STIRRUP
French police officer GENDARME
Full of substance MEATY
Game with mallets POLO
Graham -, twentieth century English author GREENE
Grimly cynical SARDONIC
Hansel's sister GRETEL
Health examination MEDICAL
Highest-ranking suit TRUMPS
Inept Rowan Atkinson character MRBEAN
Internet site for personal opinions WEBLOG
Large London building MILLENNIUMDOME
Like decimal measuring system METRIC
Made to take sides in government affairs POLITICISED
Making miserable DEPRESSING
Clues Answers
Nauseous when flying AIRSICK
One guided and supported by another PROTEGE
Ophelia's brother (Hamlet) LAERTES
Ordinary members (of an organisation) RANKANDFILE
Part, share PORTION
Persuades by force COERCES
Protector/guardian (of something) CUSTODIAN
Put forward as fact POSIT
Relationship between two quantities RATIO
Security for loan repayment; secondary COLLATERAL
Self-governing AUTONOMOUS
Site of Lincoln's address GETTYSBURG
Sports event for pairs THREELEGGEDRACE
Straight muscles; trice (anag.) RECTI
Such as an accent or umlaut DIACRITICALMARK
Such as Venus GODDESS
Sudden brilliant idea INSPIRATION
Tapering solid CONE
The allaying of doubts REASSURANCE
Timidity SHYNESS
Typical of its class REPRESENTATIVE
Unfairly take for one's own use MISAPPROPRIATE
Utterly destroys OBLITERATES
Very hot day; remarkable thing SCORCHER
Very nearly ALMOST
Vigil; disturbed water WAKE
Violent disruption UPHEAVAL
Well known, highly respected ILLUSTRIOUS
Winter sports wear SKIPANTS
World War two Italy-Germany alliance AXIS