The Telegraph - CRYPTIC CROSSWORD NO: 23,929 - Dec 18 2002

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Clues Answers
A backward buffoon of unsociable nature ALOOF
A familiar Frenchman in Unesco, maybe ACRONYM
A sober man is an oddity, but reaches his goal ATTAINS
A tax from which the metropolis benefits CAPITALGAINS
Arab takes time to produce air-purifier AERATOR
Audience for cad's performance is in a dicey situation HOUSEOFCARDS
Bird cry in the East End OWL
Debating query on the reason for discipline POINTOFORDER
Fan acquires outdated farming vehicle EXTRACTOR
Fantastic piece of trout, really OUTRE
Fellow-member upset by Japanese drama NOH
Firm gets fresh update about time for take-over COUPDETAT
Get-up in which seaman appears for a change TURNABOUT
Hide in covert enclave, initially SECRETE
Clues Answers
I get cold in French bed, but that's allowable LICIT
Leftist rebelled on seeing New Labour's symbol REDROSE
Love, you and I are in Queer Street OWE
Not in business with me as a result OUTCOME
On view? There's some mistake OVERSIGHT
Plant it's no good planting in the country SYRINGA
Quite unbowed before going to court ERECT
Rest assured you're welcome to what's mine TAKEITFROMME
See GP grab one and three-quarters DIOCESE
Sounds like it's fish for tea CHA
The guilty priest I admitted into sect CULPRIT
Tour oil refinery in the Lebanon TRIPOLI
TUC chap ordered to clear backlog CATCHUP
Unknown number from Cornish resort making reparation PENANCE