New York Times - Sep 18 2014

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Clues Answers
'Hmm ... is that so!' ISEE
'Ooh-la-la!' NICE
'The Last Supper,' e.g MURAL
'The Old Man and the Sea' fish MARLIN
'Would ___ to you?' ILIE
A whole bunch TONS
A whole bunch LOTS
African antelope ORYX
Airport shuttle route, commonly LOOP
Beats it SCATS
Bébé's need LAIT
Blue Dog Democrats, e.g BLOC
Busybody YENTA
Celebrity couple portmanteau KIMYE
Chip shot's path ARC
Circles around the sun CORONAE
College softball? EASYA
Courtroom fixture STAND
Dress style ALINE
Elasticity symbol, in economics EPSILON
Exercises USES
Feels bad AILS
Female motorcyclists, in biker slang MAMAS
Firing locale KILN
First sign ARIES
Friends of Firenze AMICI
General reception? SALUTE
Geniuses' prides IQS
Go for additional service REUP
It's always underfoot SOLE
Life lines? OBIT
Like many indie films ARTSY
Like more than a third of U.S. immigrants nowadays ASIAN
Man trying to clarify the spelling of his name in 21-, 25-, 38-, 52- and 57-Across CASEY
Martin Sheen's real first name RAMON
Meaning SENSE
Modern acronym suggesting 'seize the day' YOLO
Clues Answers
Nearly nada UNO
Nicknames TAGS
Not fair RAINY
One of 14 in the Big Ten IOWA
Part of a black cloud GNAT
Place often named after a corporation ARENA
Places where you can hear a pin drop? ALLEYS
PlayStation maker SONY
Rhythmic feet IAMBS
Sch. whose team is the Violets NYU
Setting for 'Gladiator' ROME
Situates ORIENTS
Some sitters NANAS
Something set in a place setting UTENSIL
Song that was a hit for a spell in the 1970s? YMCA
Sound of an incoming text, e.g ALERT
Sp-[gasp]-speaks like th-[sniffle]-this SOBS
Spelling clarification #2 AASINARE
Spelling clarification #3 SASINSEA
Spelling clarification #4 EASINEYE
Spelling clarification #5 YASINYOU
Spicy quality BITE
Support staff CANE
Tailor, say ALTER
Takes responsibility for OWNS
Team that last won an N.F.L. championship in 1957 LIONS
Tequila source AGAVE
To have, in Toulouse AVOIR
Together ASONE
Tree in a giraffe's diet ACACIA
Tree-dwelling snake MAMBA
Unhelpful spelling clarification #1 CASINCUE
W.S.J. alternative NYT
What the listener might think 16-Across's name is? QRCIU
Wife, informally MISSUS
___ Lingus AER