The Times - Concise - Times2 Concise 4848 - May 25, 2009

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Clues Answers
Active, energetic BRISK
Arnold —, Eng. author BENNETT
Base for, eg, statue PEDESTAL
Be cautious! TAKECARE
Carry out (orders) OBEY
Culinary herb PARSLEY
Diver's sickness; Radiohead album THEBENDS
Do — Know It's Christmas (Band Aid) THEY
Easily broken FRAGILE
Egg-shaped OVAL
Find answer to (a clue) SOLVE
Incursion INVASION
Intensive publicity HYPE
Clues Answers
Joe —, Eng. dramatist ORTON
Liverpool football team EVERTON
Long (for) YEARN
Look at EYE
Mark; twenty SCORE
Moose ELK
Mountain top PEAK
Name of current Pope BENEDICT
Over-refined; weak EFFETE
Realistic opera style VERISMO
Set up with money ENDOW
Ugly sight EYESORE
Where flour is ground MILL