The Times - Specialist - Times Literary Supplement 695 - May 18, 2007

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Clues Answers
'... with his -- chin he drove / The bristled lips before him' (Coriolanus) AMAZONIAN
'And full as craving too and full -- --' (Dryden, All for Love) ASVAIN
African queen's antic DIDO
Bellini work is the average article NORMA
Brave (New World), of Superior breeding HIAWATHA
Finnish writer puts old letter on ice RUNEBERG
French satirist a roue, we hear VOLTAIRE
Geoff, say, hath, perhaps, biblical connections to judge JEPHTHAH
George Russell includes afterthought for church feature APSE
Girl for whom Lovelace turned a lathe ALTHEA
Hail a hat turned inside out by Racine ATHALIAH
He was responsible for those at play MICHAELFRAYN
He was successfully on the fiddle in Cremona AMATI
Home girl has flutter on unknown ego DETZI
Inscrutable subject of Wilde SPHINX
Clues Answers
Joy of the lioness ADAMSON
Murdoch's little German girl KLEIN
Not the best justifier of God's ways, Housman thought MILTON
Novelist in carousal in Germany SALINGER
Polka I devised cancelled for playwright POLIAKOFF
Property alternative for illusory interlocutor LANDOR
Provenance of eight's damsels who lamented the fate of Thammuz SYRIA
Quickly remove what's not representational ABSTRACT
Retreat after the conflict in Barchester THEWARDEN
Roald Dahl's child heroine recalls Drayton's 'Empress' MATILDA
Scott protagonist in a very black book ABDOT
Sort of nasty outbreak in the Indies chronicled in Winchester ERUPTION
Spiced wine, or Sapphic cocktail HIPPOCRAS
Squeamish reaction by Sartre NAUSEA
Stage construction (and deconstruction) by twenty eight MAKEANDBREAK