The Times - Cryptic - Times Cryptic 21996 - March 25, 2002

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Clues Answers
A number no longer seen to ride competitively EVENT
Agitator beginning to talk to employee in Russian mint? TROUBLEMAKER
Attack woman's daughter, one looking after kids GOATHERD
Cats possibly given food by church? A fine example SHOWPIECE
Child's pet standing around in duke's light BOWWINDOW
Down-to-earth nonsense about press employee's rise ROBUST
English composer providing support for strings BRIDGE
English woman lacks energy to make cake ECLAIR
Get in RADA, developing into such an actor TRAGEDIAN
Grow in confidence as a poet? FINDONESFEET
Half-hearted fellow without character of Greeks TEPID
Instrument taken up by those who study drums OTOSCOPE
Island needing corn for one of 17's charges CAPRI
Islander joins Scotsman with gemstone at home SARDINIAN
Key, or keys, thus provided? BASIC
Clues Answers
Lavishly praise text old extremists abandoned EXTOL
Lock created obstruction, holding up band RINGLET
Not like Mrs Tiggy-Winkle to be so lily-livered! SPINELESS
One evaluates creatures beginning to spawn on river ASSESSOR
Possible token of 2, without most of the fibre? ISTLE
Provide enough, at one time, to keep daughter ENDOW
Pub in a state? Give opinion when entering TAVERN
Sort out goods supplied ORDER
Spear found outside church in midland city LEICESTER
Squabble about Hell's Angel appearing outside BICKER
They believe time served initially limits crime THEISTS
Turn away from area, vexed about legal right ALIENATE
Valve originally connected after work in store STOPCOCK
Was built, with old event recalled, in timber ROSEWOOD
What a tippler may call reddish-yellow drink? SHANDY