New York Times - Dec 1 2013

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Clues Answers
'Do the Right Thing' pizzeria SALS
'Little Caesar' weapon GAT
'Purple haze' LSD
'Really?' THATSO
'This I Promise You' band NSYNC
'Yuck!' EEW
1980 hard rock album that went 22x platinum ... or a hint to how to cross this puzzle's 27-Across BACKINBLACK
20-Across, e.g DOE
2005 nominee for Best Picture BROKE
51-Down unit CAR
Actress ___ Dawn Chong RAE
Amphibious rodent WATERVOLE
Anne Bradstreet, for one POETESS
Aquatic singer HUMP
Arp or Duchamp DADAIST
Astronomical datum MASS
Atlas index listings TOWNS
Aught NIL
Autobahn hazard EIS
Badger NAG
Basketball play SCREEN
Biological ring AREOLE
Bishop's place DIOCESE
Brewer's oven OAST
Buoys, e.g MARKERS
Busy as ___ ABEE
Cadenza or Forte maker KIA
Camp treats SMORES
Cat also known as the dwarf leopard OCELOT
Cause of an audio squeal FEED
Cause of weather weirdness ELNINO
Clothing lines SEAMS
Coach with two Super Bowl championships SHULA
Collection of vehicles available to personnel MOTORPOOL
Comfort or country follower INN
Company named for a volcano AETNA
Conan's network TBS
Daughter on 'Bewitched' TABITHA
Deuteronomy contents LAWS
Dial-up unit BAUD
Dickens villain SIKES
Director with three Best Foreign Film Oscars BERGMAN
Dish made from a root POI
Disney deer ENA
Distort WARP
Dressed with elaborate care PREENED
End in ___ ATIE
Eponym of Warsaw's airport CHOPIN
European capital on the Svisloch River MINSK
Fa-La connector SOL
Firm (up) TONE
German Expressionist Otto DIX
Go pfft, with 'out' CONK
Goods WARE
Having macadamias or pecans, say NUTTED
Hummus, e.g DIP
Inexpensive reprint, maybe PAPER
It might be heard when a light bulb goes on AHA
It's caught by a stick on a field LACROSSEBALL
Jim Cramer's network CNBC
Korean money WON
Lane in Hollywood DIANE
Less prudish LOOSER
Libran stone OPAL
Clues Answers
Look after MIND
Lowest bid in bridge ONECLUB
Makes a choice OPTS
Messengers, e.g BEARERS
Met one's potential BLOSSOMED
Metal fastener HASP
Michael or Sarah PALIN
Name on some European stamps ESPANA
Neptune's home SEA
Nickname for Georgia's capital BIGA
Not a reduction: Abbr ENL
Not going anywhere? INIDLE
Numismatic classification FINE
Nutritional std RDA
Oath-taking phrase IDO
Ocean menace MAKO
Old capital of Europe BONN
One was blown in Ellington's band SAX
One-named rapper with a hyphen in his name TPAIN
Ones with bouquets, maybe SUITORS
Parisian possessive SES
Part of E.S.L.: Abbr ENG
Part of P.D.A.: Abbr ASST
Passage from life to death GREATDIVIDE
Plebiscites VOTES
Prefix with smoker NON
Presentation opening? PEE
Private gatherings CONCLAVES
Publicize BOOST
Quizzes ASKS
Remain undecided HANG
Revisits an earlier time TURNS
Round trip ... or the subtitle of 'The Hobbit' THEREAND
Scale abbr LBS
Scorecard column WINS
See 37-Down CONE
Shot from a gun BBS
Sin city SODOM
Small amount of drink NIP
Some badges IDCARDS
Sources of feta and ricotta cheese EWES
South of Spain? SUR
Speculate, say OPINE
Speeds HIES
Stands one's ground WONT
Steeply discounted product, maybe LOSSLEADER
Subject for the philosopher Heidegger BEING
Superseded OLD
Support group since 1951 ALANON
Terre in the mer ILE
The Carolinas' ___ River PEEDEE
Three-time N.B.A. All-Star Williams DERON
Todd of Broadway SWEENEY
Tooth decay, to professionals DENTALCARIES
Trademarks LOGOS
Try very hard BENDOVER
Tucked away ATE
University in Lewiston, N.Y NIAGARA
Unwritten reminder MENTALNOTE
Wedges, e.g SHOES
What a picker may pick ORE
Where the wild things are? WOODS
With 60-Down, carnival treat SNO
Word with holy or sacred COW
YouTube posting, for short VID
Yuri's 'peace' MIR
Yves's 'even' EGAL
___ pro nobis ORA
___-high ACE