Wall Street Journal - May 3 2013 - May 3, 2013 - Color Mixing

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
'...___ of robins in her hair' ANEST
'...___ which will live in infamy' ADATE
'Another Green World' composer ENO
'Are you calling me ___?' ALIAR
'Caribbean Queen' singer [42-Down + 65-Down] BILLYOCEAN
'It's all ___' ('I can't remember') ABLUR
'Let me think...' WELL
'Please be patient' [53-Across + 38-Down] BEARWITHME
'The Anarchist' playwright MAMET
'Usted ___ espanol?' HABLA
100 nanojoules ERG
A fan of INTO
A ransom call may call for one TRACE
Abbr. accompanying a zero OPER
According to ALA
Aid the chef, in a way PREP
Annual parade honoree, for short STPAT
Arbitrary orders FIATS
Archaeological finds TOMBS
Assault en masse STORM
Ball belle DEB
Base of the Babylonian number system SIXTY
Baseball's Rusty STAUB
Beta follower GAMMA
Beta preceder ALPHA
Binary DUAL
Bob Crosby's Bob Cats, e.g OCTET
Broadway's 'Hands ___ Hard Body' ONA
Business that produces sweaters SPA
Bygone roadster feature [88-Across + 51-Down] RUMBLESEAT
Can't do without NEEDS
Choreographer de Mille AGNES
Clearly stunned AGAPE
Columbia Pictures owner SONY
Comparison shopper's find STEAL
Confucian ideal TAO
Cork masses IRISH
Counselors' workplaces CAMPS
Course requirement TEE
Cruising ASEA
Crush the final ACEIT
Dairy case buy OLEO
Dishonor SHAME
Drive participant STEER
Dummy letters in ciphers NULLS
Early kayaker ALEUT
Exam for MBA hopefuls GMAT
Expert CRACK
Explorer backed by Henry VII CABOT
Fall off EBB
Father of Hamlet and Honi HAGAR
Fortysomething group GENX
Game akin to rummy COONCAN
Gathering of doves [66-Across + 72-Across] PEACEMARCH
Golden Gate Bridge features CABLES
Greece's Papandreou ANDREAS
Ground breaker HOE
Handle SEETO
Handle roughly MAUL
Hardly original STALE
Here, in Juárez ACA
Hog holder STY
Icky buildup CRUD
Important ages ERAS
In danger ATRISK
Introducer of Land-O-Matic landing gear CESSNA
Is in contact with TOUCHES
It may include a flat fee LEASE
It'll hold your horses STABLE
Japan's prime minister since December 2012 ABE
Last Russian czarina ALEXANDRA
Clues Answers
Lemony, say CITRIC
Lexington and Concord fighters MINUTEMEN
Litter holder CATBOX
Make a run for it FLEE
Melvyn's leading lady in three films GRETA
Messengers at Hogwarts OWLS
Missouri River feeder OSAGE
Mob pariah RAT
Mr. Clean rival LYSOL
Mug for the camera, perhaps ROB
Name shared by counties in New York and Pennsylvania TIOGA
Nanojoule, for one UNIT
Orange-nosed TV character ELMO
Padded envelopes MAILERS
Paint color LIME
Paint color OCHER
Paint color EBONY
Paint color RUST
Paint color AMBER
Paint color UMBER
Paint color PEACH
Paint color SLATE
Paint color SCARLET
Paint color LILAC
Paint color CREAM
Paint color MAGENTA
Paint color WHITE
Paint color TEAL
Palomar 5, for one [98-Across + 75-Down] STARCLUSTER
Panini cousins MELTS
Particular DETAIL
Parts of spectacles RIMS
Paul, George or John SAINT
Pauper's wear RAGS
Penn in NYC, e.g STN
Popular firewood BEECH
Pre-1991 Georgia, e.g.: Abbr SSR
Quoter's disclaimer SIC
Ready for a tough task ABLE
Ready for a tough task UPTOIT
Recently OFLATE
Respectful salutation SIRS
Rosetta Stone vowels ETAS
Sailing hazard SHOAL
Salt's swig GROG
Say the Pledge of Allegiance RECITE
She took the concept 'men are pigs' literally CIRCE
Simile center ASA
Slight, say INSULT
Snippet from Hoyle RULE
Sounds from pounds BARKS
Sphere REALM
Staying power? INERTIA
Stimuli GOADS
Swelter ROAST
Taj ___ MAHAL
The Sakmara River feeds it URAL
Theology topics FAITHS
Timetable abbr ARR
Typographer's measures EMS
Upright ERECT
Wake Island, for one ATOLL
Weighed on ATEAT
Whimper PULE
Winner of six Grammys in 2012 ADELE
Winter breakfast, for some [39-Down + 101-Down] HOTCEREAL
Words with premium or discount ATA
World records? ATLASES
Y chromosome carrier MALE
Yes man's specialty ECHOING
Yield to internal pressure BURST
You can see it with your eyes closed [37-Across + 4-Down] MENTALIMAGE