Premier Sunday - King Feature Syndicate - Mar 2 2008

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Clues Answers
'-- a go!' ITS
'Cantorial' author Levin IRA
'Evangeline' star Del Rio DOLORES
'Oh no, a mouse!' EEK
'The Jungle Book' boy MOWGLI
'Thumbs-up' AOK
'Toodle-oo' BYE
-- and caboodle KIT
-- Park (Edison's home) MENLO
-- tai MAI
Actor Arkin ALAN
Actor Max von -- SYDOW
Acuff or Orbison ROY
Ad- -- LIB
Adept alterer TAILOR
Al Jolson hit SWANEE
Appear as though SEEM
Arthur of tennis ASHE
Asian sleuth Charlie CHAN
Baja bear OSO
Baltic nation ESTONIA
Big head EGO
Big paper in the Big Apple: Abbr. NYT
Bobby's wife on 'Dallas' PAMELA
Category GENRE
Cries of surprise OHS
Critter playing dead OPOSSUM
Dancer and WWI spy MATAHARI
Dank WET
Dawn lawn quality DEWINESS
Delhi title SRI
Essentials MUSTS
Fa-la linkup SOL
Father of Jacob ISAAC
Fever cause FLU
Finish END
Fleur-de- -- LIS
Flintstones' pet DINO
Former Italian coin LIRA
French bud AMI
Frosting tool ICER
Future litigator's study PRELAW
Game played with a mallet in shallow water? WADINGPOLO
Gel in a petri dish AGAR
Gun touters' org. NRA
Hankerings YENS
Heavenly actor William? CELESTIALBOYD
High card ACE
High-tech address URL
Historic time ERA
Hit the sack RETIRE
Hombre MAN
Howl BAY
Indian dress SARI
Indy unit LAP
Invalidate UNDO
Iron fastening bar UBOLT
Ivan IV's wife ANASTASIA
James -- Garfield ABRAM
Karaoke get-together for math majors? MULTIPLICATIONSING
Legal org. ABA
Lifting things RAISERS
Like some Indonesian parolees? FREEONBALI
Like sushi RAW
Line up the crosshairs TAKEAIM
Long, thin cut SLIT
Loud laugh YUK
Low-pH precipitation ACIDRAIN
Mag revenue source ADS
Make yawn BORE
Clues Answers
Mariner SAILOR
Mastery ART
Meal enders DESSERTS
Medical intern of Ô60s TV DRKILDARE
Minnow, e.g. FISH
Money held in trust ESCROW
Morticia's family name ADDAMS
Mrs. Rocky Balboa ADRIAN
Mythical monster ORC
Nero's 950 CML
Norway's main port OSLO
Not -- eye in the house ADRY
Not against FOR
Not at sea ONLAND
Not complex EASY
Not earned, as a victory UNWON
Not healthy ILL
Not on time TARDY
Old cloth RAG
Out on -- (vulnerably situated) ALIMB
Outdoor dining spot PATIO
Part of AP PRESS
Partakes of HAS
Pasta variety ROTINI
Pedaled vehicle designed to pull things? BICYCLEBUILTFORTOW
Peter of 'Lord Jim' OTOOLE
Philosophy ISM
Plenty ALOT
Prayer addressee GOD
Prefix with cuspid TRI
Prepare to kiss PUCKERUP
Pt. of D.A. ATT
Put on, as garb DON
Q-Tip target EAR
Q-U linkup RST
Ref's bout ender TKO
Refer to CITE
Rocky hill TOR
School lobby org. NEA
Segregates ISOLATES
Seizes NABS
Shattered some vials of antidote? BROKETHECURES
Shredded TORE
Slangy 'OK' YAH
Sleep stage REM
Slips on ice SKIDS
So as not to omit certain Greek letters? WITHOUTMISSINGABETA
Sorority letters SIGMAS
Sporty auto roof TTOP
Spy gp. CIA
Standoffish ALOOF
Stare in wonder GAPE
Subtle emanations AURAS
Sweet apple coating CARAMEL
Team list ROSTER
The memorable viewpoint that I have? MYSPECIALANGLE
Tithers' amounts TENTHS
Title in a monastery FRA
Touched ground ALIT
TripTik org. AAA
Uncertain things IFS
Va. neighbor TENN
Voice amplifiers, for short MICS
Warner Brothers -- Tunes' LOONEY
Water nymph NAIAD
Water-carved gully ARROYO
Whigs' opponents TORIES
Wield USE
Writing tablet PAD
Yoko -- ONO
Yule-loving film producer Ponti? CHRISTMASCARLO