L.A. Times Daily - Feb 2 2025

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
"Bubble" drink BOBATEA
"Curious" monkey GEORGE
"I just knew it!" AHA
"Love & Mercy" actor Paul DANO
"Rigoletto" setting MANTUA
"Stay by me, Fido" HEEL
"The cherry, apple, and strawberry candles are all sold out!"? NOTONEREDSCENT
"The Mammoth Hunters" novelist AUEL
"The Muppets" eagle SAM
"Trick or __!" TREAT
"Unbelievable!" WOW
"We're in __-win situation" ANO
"You can trust me with this!" IMONIT
Actress Téa LEONI
Ancient Egyptian cross ANKH
Brewery tanks VATS
Building blocks smaller than Lego ATOMS
Button for making a voice note, briefly REC
Capital markets worker TRADER
Caraway-flavored spirit AQUAVIT
Cluny the Scourge in "Redwall," e.g RAT
Comedic tribute ROAST
Community values ETHOS
Court figure TENNISPRO
Crumb seekers ANTS
Crunch on a cereal box CAPN
Dads, sometimes POPPAS
Dance performed in concentric circles HORA
Disorderly hordes MOBS
Dissenter, at first? ANTI
Diviner's device ROD
Drenched WET
Early education topic ABCS
Early morning goddess EOS
Earth tone ECRU
Edith and Margo's sister in "Despicable Me" AGNES
En-titled ones? CHAMPS
Enables a crime ABETS
Faint reminder VESTIGE
Feeling more fluish ACHIER
Fig. texted en route ETA
Film set assistant GRIP
Flighty notions WHIMS
Fontana di Trevi locale ROMA
Freeway feature ONRAMP
Gasoline number OCTANE
Genesis mountain ARARAT
Give a silent signal NODAT
Goldfish or oyster ANIMAL
Good Grips maker OXO
Grab hold of SNAG
Greedy demand GIMME
Growing art form? BONSAI
Guarded ID digits SSN
Guitarist Guthrie ARLO
Hacking tools AXES
Had a hunch SENSED
Half a combo entree SURF
Hardest part of a date? PIT
Heated conflicts SETTOS
Hockey surface ICE
Hoofed it RAN
Hymn singer's seat PEW
Idolize ADMIRE
Intentionally deceive LIETO
Jewish school YESHIVA
Keeps entertained AMUSES
Like a gymnast LIMBER
Like a slasher film GORY
Like most prime numbers ODD
Little brown bird WREN
Clues Answers
Local guide STREETMAP
Lose energy TIRE
Macrame enthusiast's appraisal of a painting class? IDRATHERKNOT
Make a choice OPT
Make unreadable, in a way ENCODE
Maker of Giant Rubber Bands and Dehydrated Boulders ACME
Many prom coifs UPDOS
McCloskey's blueberry picker SAL
Menzel with a "Wicked" cameo IDINA
Military drama franchise NCIS
Miscalculate ERR
Musical-comedy legend Ethel MERMAN
Nail salon brand ESSIE
Ne'ertheless THO
New payroll member HIREE
Novelist de Balzac HONORE
Omar Sharif title role CHE
On the hot side WARMISH
One of TV's "Friends" MONICA
Ousted Russian ruler TSAR
Outdo a rolled entry in a sandwich battle? BEATTHEWRAP
Pain reliever since 1916 ANACIN
Palm berry ACAI
Part of a big union merger CIO
Penguins' org NHL
Pity party line WOEISME
Podcast series on how to build a door frame? JAMBSESSIONS
Pool hall staple RACK
Post-polish luster SHEEN
Postal creed start NEITHER
Pushing boundaries EDGY
Rae of "Insecure" ISSA
Reba McEntire's "All the Women __" IAM
Red-blooded LUSTY
Ref. that added "mic drop" in 2024 OED
Relieves (of) RIDS
REM opener RAPID
Retro gaming consoles ATARIS
Romance writer Roberts NORA
Ryukyu Islands island OKINAWA
Sand structure CASTLE
Seats, slangily USHES
Set to rights NEATEN
Settings symbol GEAR
Sibling difference AGEGAP
Small slipup MISHAP
Some ER staff DRS
Some hand-me-downs GENES
Space traveler Jemison MAE
Spanish "others" OTRAS
Spanish table wines RIOJAS
Spots for sweaters? GYMS
Stable neigh-bor HORSE
Starts of some long weekends FRIDAYS
Subway Surfers and Candy Crush Saga APPS
Suppress SITON
Take, as a loss ABSORB
Target for Target PROFIT
Took a loss ATEIT
Took charge LED
Totally wild AMOK
Unmounted jouster? KNIGHTCRAWLER
Urgent addition to the end of a song? EMERGENCYCHORD
Utter fiasco SNAFU
Volcano near the Ionian Sea ETNA
Where guys hang out in a big box store? THEAISLEOFMAN
Wish list item WANT
Word with loose or tight END
Work period SHIFT
WSJ competitor NYT
__ Speedwagon REO