Irish Times (Simplex) - Apr 14 2021

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Clues Answers
A major type of cancer CARCINOMA
Anxious, restless UNEASY
Avoids deliberately SHUNS
Catastrophe, calamity DISASTER
Celestial body orbiting around another SATELLITE
Channels of communication MEDIA
Consume food EAT
Crosspieces of a ladder RUNGS
Crucial moment CRISIS
Diffident, timid SHY
Dish of stewed pieces of meat in a thick sauce FRICASSEE
Event, occurrence INCIDENT
Fakers, frauds IMPOSTORS
Feels, has some awareness SENSES
Flightless birds of cold regions PENGUINS
Gathering or harvesting GLEANING
Grasp tightly CLUTCH
Great Greek mathematician EUCLID
Clues Answers
High, steep rock-faces CLIFFS
Idolise, worship REVERE
If this at the post, you've been very narrowly defeated PIPPED
Imperial weight OUNCE
Long clerical garments CASSOCKS
Measuring stick RULER
Mental or physical representation IMAGE
National council in former USSR SOVIET
On the subject of ABOUT
Part of a curve ARC
Particular place or position LOCATION
Sets of vertebrae SPINES
Slow slithery mollusc SNAIL
Stopped or slowed down development ARRESTED
The mind or spirit PSYCHE
Vessel and tax VAT
Where dairy products are made CREAMERY
With a sharply uneven edge JAGGED