- Feb 15 2021

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
''How clumsy of me!'' OOPS
''It's the end of __'' ANERA
''Large'' nickname for Dallas BIGD
''So what __ is new?'' ELSE
''Wild'' estimate GUESS
Almond or cashew NUT
And so on: Abbr ETC
Banish EXILE
Bank's large safe VAULT
Bible or dictionary BOOK
Bread that's browned TOAST
Common suffix for verbs ING
Concert's sound booster, for short AMP
Curve of the foot ARCH
Dues-paying group CLUB
Edible sunflower bit SEED
Elaborate deception HOAX
Fairy tale meanie TROLL
Fire department leader CHIEF
Frisbee shape DISC
Fully attentive ALERT
Give a hoot CARE
Goof up ERR
Gorilla or chimp APE
Graceful antelope GAZELLE
Hammer or screwdriver TOOL
Highest poker card ACE
Initials meaning ''alias'' AKA
Large plow-pulling beasts OXEN
Laugh at or complain about REACTTO
Leans slightly TILTS
Loafed around IDLED
Locations SITES
Made sounds with a key ring JANGLED
Male deers STAGS
Multilayered hand warmers INSULATEDGLOVES
Nary a soul NOONE
No longer napping AWAKE
Off-script remark ADLIB
Clues Answers
Overly lenient LAX
Peg for a golf ball TEE
People downloading apps USERS
Pepsi or Coke COLA
Pie __ mode ALA
Plugged-in bedding ELECTRICBLANKET
Prayer-ending word AMEN
Price labels TAGS
Read __ the lines BETWEEN
Requirement NEED
Revered celebrity IDOL
Rustic hotel INN
See 36 Across PAJAMAS
Shake out of sleep ROUSE
Small mountain HILL
Small stores selling sandwiches DELIS
Snow vehicle SLED
Sticky stuff for scrapbooking GLUE
Super Bowl org NFL
Superlative suffix EST
Swiped STOLE
Thick, as fog DENSE
Totally silly INANE
Tylenol alternative ADVIL
UK military flying group RAF
Unexciting, informally BLAH
University Web address ending EDU
Verse writers POETS
What a grape grows on VINE
Wine and dine WOO
With 38 Across, thick-fabric sleepwear FLANNEL
With no decoration BARE
__ and crafts ARTS
__ Arabia (Mideast nation) SAUDI
__ Disney World WALT
__ in ''Sam'' SAS
__ Sketch (drawing toy) ETCHA