The Guardian - Quiptic crossword No 1,103 - Jan 4 2021

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Clues Answers
Act badly, losing lead in a board game HALMA
Be grateful husband's abandoned cap and jumper from the 1970s TANKTOP
Elizabeth knights old boy, long having earned top honour ENNOBLE
Give short change in error OVERSIGHT
Hard to follow abridged article from beginning to end THROUGH
Harp on about fragment found in wreck RUBITIN
Kept back popular book INRESERVE
Luxury extension can perhaps ruin housing EXTRAVAGANCE
Museum manager's almost rude about schedule CURATOR
Novel appears heartlessly mean about journalist NEWSPAPERMAN
Now and then, during poetic evening, gets extremely mushy about love EVERYSOOFTEN
Nowadays on edge about lover ADMIRER
On way to thrashing after Everton edges second penalty ENROUTE
Organising fishing, gutted after young salmon head off ARRANGING
Clues Answers
Outside broadcast follows golf tournament OPENAIR
Play tune by artist originally labelled 'unremarkable' NEUTRAL
Push church seating back to accommodate end of cortege SWEEP
Rambling work emails get skipped initially AIMLESS
Reasons to control allowance of beer RATIONALE
Rep confused old lady, pocketing first insurance payment PREMIUM
Sad when leader's taken away to be thrown out EJECTED
Seed diet oddly not for songbird PIPIT
Special celebration for Socialist landlord, always pursuing end of need REDLETTERDAY
State has endlessly dry area with dam in the middle ARIZONA
Strategy also included a group of soldiers PLATOON
Top grade carbon copy's acquired quickly APACE
Wine seller's very trendy having the Queen on flipping books! VINTNER
With team short, reserve comes on and equalises SQUARES