Universal - Dec 3 2009

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Clues Answers
"Away in a Manger," for one NOEL
"Bells ___ Ringing" (musical) ARE
"While" beginning ERST
1944 Normandy beach name UTAH
Accelerate REVUP
Addis Ababa is its cap. ETH
Akihito, for one EMPEROR
Alternate OTHER
Apres-bath powder TALC
Area and zip CODES
Away from the wind, on a ship ALEE
Big Band and Gaslight ERAS
Bottom seam HEM
Bring to a new level RAISE
Coiffeur's goop GEL
Coil in the yard HOSE
Coin featuring a Maltese cross EURO
Concocted MADEUP
Convertible OPENTOP
Cremona violin-making family AMATI
Diamond side FACET
Exhausting USINGUP
Face card's value, in blackjack TEN
Family men PAS
Feature of Limburger ODOR
Former Canadian major leaguer EXPO
German industrial region RUHR
Get out of a slump? SITUP
Give a false impression of BELIE
Goes on the fritz FAILS
Guesstimate word ABOUT
Heart and soul ESSENCE
Helpful Latin phrase IDEST
Karate class precautions MATS
Like Shakespeare's sonnets IAMBIC
Clues Answers
Loan shark's interest USURY
Loosen, as a knot UNTIE
Lustrous SHEENY
Mason's trough HOD
Menswear accessory TIEPIN
Morally ignoble SORDID
Netherlands city near Rotterdam UTRECHT
Neurotransmission site AXON
Nipponese capital, once EDO
Not so youthful OLDISH
Openly declared AVOWED
Painted metalware TOLE
Prenatal test, informally AMNIO
Robert of "Jaws" SHAW
Seemingly boundless VAST
Shutout spoiler RUN
Small ornamental bag ETUI
Soap opera meetings TRYSTS
Some editorial notations STETS
Something that's illegal to drop LSD
Soothe EASE
Supply prepared food CATER
Syllabus PLAN
Tell it like it isn't LIE
Thin surface layers VENEERS
Try to get some answers ASK
Unknown John DOE
Use (up), as savings EAT
Use an Underwood TYPE
Vagrant HOBO
Western basket makers? LAKERS
What a fall guy takes RAP
William Tell's canton URI
Winged god of love EROS
Word of denial ISNT
Word with "string" or "horn" SHOE
Young guy, slangily DUDE
___ sheet (guidelines) SPEC