L.A. Times Daily - Sep 24 2009

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Clues Answers
"All __ Jazz": Fosse film THAT
"The Fountainhead" author RAND
"Which came first?" item EGG
Acid neutralizer ALKALI
Airport waiter CAB
Anatomical pouch SAC
Any minute now, to a bard ANON
Apple's instant messaging software ICHAT
Ball carrier, and clue for 20-, 40- and 59-Across RUNNER
Bando of baseball SAL
Baptism or bar mitzvah, e.g. RITE
Barton of the Red Cross CLARA
Big rigs SEMIS
Canada's smallest prov. PEI
Chair craftsperson CANER
Clothes ATTIRE
Cocktail party bowlful DIP
Descendant SCION
Divided country KOREA
Empty truck's weight TARE
Exodus locale EGYPT
Fashionable boot brand UGG
Fed. org. concerned with workplace woes OSHA
Fill with wonder AMAZE
Fireside stack WOOD
Fitted, as a suit TAILORED
Fond du __, Wisconsin LAC
Golden State sch. UCLA
Golf legend Snead SAM
Grazing site LEA
Greek X CHI
Horse's gait TROT
Hot under the collar IRATE
Ill-advised RASH
Judge's concern LAW
Louis XIV, to his subjects ROI
Nashville awards gp. CMA
No longer tied up LOOSE
Clues Answers
North African capital TUNIS
Nursery rhyme trio BEARS
Old draft org. SSS
Once around the track LAP
One with a code name, perhaps SPY
Pageant topper TIARA
Pal of Aramis ATHOS
Paleozoic __ ERA
Partner of woes CARES
Period of time SPAN
Piano part PEDAL
Sheds feathers MOLTS
Slow mover SNAIL
Spanish dialect that's now standard CASTILIAN
Starbucks offering LATTE
Start of an order to an attack dog SIC
Stereotypical eye patch wearer PIRATE
Stock market transaction TRADE
Strokes on a green PUTTS
Subway rider's aid STRAP
Take advantage of USE
Terrible AWFUL
Three-card scam MONTE
Treaty subject PEACE
Uncooked RAW
Va. clock setting EST
Vegas attraction, with "the" STRIP
Walking __: euphoric ONAIR
Weather Channel offerings FORECASTS
Went off course, at sea YAWED
What the Mad Hatter served TEA
Whatever ANY
Wild guesses STABS
Wrapped up ENDED