The Telegraph - CRYPTIC CROSSWORD NO: 28,268 - Nov 10 2016

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Clues Answers
A swine almost keeping quiet -- that's unexpected ABRUPT
Artistic quarter flourishes with place in ground BLOOMSBURY
Cheek, being seen on pot in paper? It's disrespectful FLIPPANT
Competition's not close OPEN
Disorganised lot in game played on board with first pair missing RABBLE
Edgy orator at work that's critical DEROGATORY
Emergency call from PM before division in week MAYDAY
Faulty knowledge of Scotland -- brother should be on top of it BROKEN
Female artist hereafter taking top off for male bonding? FRATERNITY
Foreign character, arts benefactor, making change MUTATE
Healthy bit of food found in inn? Utter rubbish NUTRIENT
In which one finds peers and English bishop in a grand conspiracy AGEBRACKET
Love of old work on stage that's difficult EXACTING
Name composer is given on radio HANDLE
Clues Answers
Note I'm enthralled by Indian instrument and sword SCIMITAR
Nut chewed with regret? It's like a pork pie UNTRUE
Overly formal chief cut short PRIM
Performs religious duty, we hear, producing acclaim PRAISE
Persuasive county fellow? COGENT
Prize pub in ancient city TROPHY
Put favourable slant on cricketer's skill? SPIN
Role in Salvation Army in austere city SPARTA
Sailor following fine friend around to get something for tea? FLAPJACK
Source of kerfuffle, a judge in choppy exchange? KARATE
Study period out for review during test TUTORIAL
Top athletes defending course PATH
Trouble making essential part of tea? HOTWATER
Urge halt in development in response to cracks? LAUGHTER