The Times - Cryptic - Times Cryptic 26410 - May 12, 2016

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Clues Answers
Aleppo man in houses of certain Arabs? OMANI
Chapter in story reversed brilliant success ECLAT
City scoundrel and US lawyer married ROTTERDAM
Country squire's first visionary sent heavenward SYRIA
Daughter on court after game fragments MATCHWOOD
Elite artist is complex woman ELECTRA
Enormous female in States exploded TITANESS
Fabulist initially allowed revolutionary attitude AESOP
Falls back once more having run ahead initially NIAGARA
Happy to dispense biblical justice to old PM GLADSTONE
Husband in cloak left union group CHAPEL
I'm an adult flogged in foreign state TAMILNADU
In time Mark lost one leg! HOMETIE
Language tested by Liberal on Conservative answer PROVENCAL
Last letter's nothing great OMEGA
Clues Answers
Love element in abstract style OPART
Lower under sea, began to slip ABERDEENANGUS
Male in each community coming out EMANATION
Male in unconscious state — this gives pause COMMA
Men, having split apart, perhaps maintaining correspondence? PRORATA
Nonstop flight? ESCALATOR
Notice opportunity that may provide home for small charge ADOPTION
One tool under vehicle in work that's Scottish? IVANHOE
Plot resolver unknown in Aeneid as much revised DEUSEXMACHINA
Provide what's needed to involve companion fielder? CATCHER
Rest associate with Republican to seize power SPIDER
Second drink, then another SUPPORT
Still at the crease, no boundaries in Perth INERT
Two graduates going in change one's college ALMAMATER
Wildlife rights must protect old English river ROEDEER