The Telegraph - QUICK CROSSWORD NO: 25,650 - Jun 23 2008

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Clues Answers
- - P.G. Anglesey town (abbrev!) LLANFAIR
Barge SCOW
Berks college ETON
Bull incitor? REDRAG
Catch sight of ESPY
Celebrity STAR
Chaplin 1952 film LIMELIGHT
Crowd actors EXTRAS
Dumb-show MIME
eg Double-decker BUS
Hon. members MPS
Improvises crudely (mus.) VAMPS
Invoice BILL
Jap. wrestling SUMO
Jazz phrase RIFF
Lug (colloq.) EAR
Clues Answers
MGM's lion LEO
Mississippi craft STEAMBOAT
Most full of news and gossip NEWSIEST
Noughts and crosses (US) Tictacto
Ottoman TURK
Particle ATOM
Privately Intimately
Provokes frustratingly TANTALISES
Robert E. - - , US hero LEE
Saltpetre NITRE
Sex tripe (anag.) PREEXIST
Soft drink LEMONADE
Tellies (abbrev.) TVS
To a flame (anag.) MEATLOAF
WW2 canteen NAAFI