The Times - Cryptic - Times Cryptic 25252 - August 27, 2012

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Clues Answers
After reflecting, set about talk that's hollow and PC? DESKTOP
Baptist hymn abridged for US presidents JOHNSON
Beneath top of ear, mole and spot ESPY
Black, freezing cell — one PC arranged for pincher of bags BICYCLECLIP
Boarded with enthusiasm, aircraft's heading out for old bit of Athens LEPTON
Book driver, perhaps, to bring group after work? JOBCLUB
Corporation about to clash with a state in India GUJARAT
Error to go carrying drinks in worthless rotation BUGGINSTURN
Having time off, with duties cut down AXED
Hugging wife, knock over a set of drinks WRAPAROUND
In case, in short, do this? TESTIFY
Kirk set unusually to receive English Kirk worshippers? TREKKIES
Labourer once tied cord around one's plant HELIOTROPE
Make fine material with fastener that's increasingly worn TATTIER
Middleman needing cards from trader gave himself 3 REF
Miss opening books, or holding a daughter's teaching aid BLACKBOARD
Clues Answers
O for one that might lift the depression! GAS
Odd bits from my flat usually wheeled out in the end LASTLY
Old bomber's message is however something fishy HALIBUT
Order brother to hold zip in one's bathing costume MONOKINI
Originally called head of Department: must have results! NEED
Out of luck, his wretched European kindred SUCHLIKE
Pub that's put satellite TV around is far from full SKINNY
Redefining "ten", altered digit INDEXFINGER
Resort where Providence is on a small scale RIMINI
Solicitor grasping rod moved in judge's direction COURTORDER
Sound emanating from (inebriated?) yokel HIC
Squirt like this used to fill metal bin JETTISON
Try to take too much benefit GOOD
Understood old German: that's not hard GOT
What might be jolly for workers on the Sun? DAYTRIP
What one raiding photo album may take to cheer themselves up? SNAPOUTOFIT