The Times - Concise - Times2 Concise 2402 - July 24, 2001

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Clues Answers
--- Elliot, later Wentworth (J. Austen) ANNE
A wind instrument OBOE
Baptismal basin FONT
Cain's 11 ABEL
Centre of target BULLSEYE
Dinner signal GONG
Heavy pud STODGE
Line of join SEAM
Old Venice chief DOGE
One made to suffer VICTIM
Clues Answers
Pompeii volcano VESUVIUS
Pressure line on map ISOBAR
Prophetically ambiguous ORACULAR
Protective trinket AMULET
Religious offering OBLATION
Speck of dust MOTE
Study of plants SQUEAL
The Spanish peninsula IBERIA
Underlying (motives) ULTERIOR
Unlucky, doomed BOTANY
Wind-in-leaves noise RUSTLE
Yelp like pig ILLFATED