USA Today - Jun 4 2011

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
". . . on a dead ___ chest" MANS
"Ad" or "women's" follower LIB
"Dirty Dancing" actress Jennifer GREY
"Fraud" novelist Brookner ANITA
"Hold on ___!" ASEC
"Lil' ol' me?" MOI
"___ do you good!" ITLL
"___ got high hopes . . ." (song lyric) HES
Agenda entries ITEMS
Anti-vampire tool STAKE
Concentrated beam device LASER
Concrete-strengthening rod REBAR
Concubine's place HAREM
Crony PAL
Curry flavoring CUMIN
Cute as a bug's ___ EAR
Dog-scolding word BAD
Emotion conquered by daredevils FEAR
Exhort URGE
Flynn of flicks ERROL
Force out OUST
General concern? ARMY
Get goosebumps TINGLE
Gin rickey garnish LIME
Hole for an anchor cable HAWSE
Icy frost RIME
Indian au pair AMAH
Introductory book PRIMER
Jeweler Lalique RENE
Lathered (up) SOAPED
League division EAST
Legal document WRIT
Like a Victorian street GASLIT
Like an unkempt lawn WEEDY
Like Hamelin's piper PIED
Clues Answers
Longings YENS
Lowly worker SERF
Maker of the 5 Series BMW
Minuscule units of work ERGS
Multiple Emmy winner Ed ASNER
Noticeably unfriendly ICY
Old card game for three OMBRE
One-time co-star of 15-Across ENGEL
Out of whack ASKEW
Plant problem caused by excessive fluid EDEMA
Popular sandwich filler TUNA
Pottery protector ENAMEL
Priority male? BEAU
Protective sea wall (Var.) GROYNE
Roe source SHAD
Royal Indian RANI
Senate house in ancient Rome CURIA
Sentence for some HARDLABOR
Shade caster ELM
Silverstone of the silver screen ALICIA
Stamp collecting PHILATELY
Storm pellets HAIL
Subordinate of a marquis EARL
Succeed, as a proposal FLY
Sunken treasure locale SEABED
Surrounded by AMID
Swoopes' hoops group WNBA
Teensy WEE
Telemarketing danger SCAM
Titles for chairwomen MADAMS
Trumpet sound BLARE
Two-dimensional LINEAR
U.N. working conditions agency ILO
Up to this point ASYET
Worrisome letters to send SOS
___ eleison ("Lord, have mercy") KYRIE
___ Pet (cultivatable gift) CHIA
___-Impressionism (art movement) NEO