Irish Times (Simplex) - Mar 30 2004

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Clues Answers
A flavoured water-ice SORBET
A little bit open AJAR
A praying . . . . . . is a kind of grasshopper MANTIS
A small biting fly GNAT
Annual get-together as of past pupils REUNION
Belch like baby BURP
Bits and pieces SCRAPS
Common city bird PIGEON
Confirm or accept, say a treaty RATIFY
Dim sort of prefix MID
Exult, show delight REJOICE
Flat floating device RAFT
Following, consequent to AFTER
Girl from American west GAL
Govern, reign over RULE
Great English scientist who discovered gravity NEWTON
In attendance with award? PRESENT
In the way - in France DETROP
Intones under stress TENSION
It makes the heart grow fonder ABSENCE
Just beaten at the post PIPPED
Clues Answers
Lengthy essay written for university degree THESIS
Longs for evergreen trees PINES
Muscular seizures, spasms CRAMPS
One who delivers people from harm or danger SAVIOUR
Peaceful and contented SERENE
Peas grow in it POD
Person who charges excessive interest on loan USURER
Quick retort or return hit in fencing RIPOSTE
Rubble as of fallen building DEBRIS
Season with a jump SPRING
Sediment at bottom of wine LEES
Seize by force to get ransom KIDNAP
Stimulate as by reminding, or top up drink REFRESH
Strip of water extending from sea into land INLET
Stuffs or cloys with excess SATES
The edible centre of a nut KERNEL
The process of bringing action in legal court LAWSUIT
This point is debatable or undecided MOOT
Up to now, or nevertheless YET
Victim of deceit or fraud DUPE
Vile rut for small stream RIVULET