Irish Times (Simplex) - May 16 2003

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Clues Answers
A deep ditch, as dug for troops TRENCH
a large vase as for cremation ashes URN
A soothing ointment SALVE
A very old rifle MUSKET
About to happen, any moment now IMMINENT
Act as pal to, help BEFRIEND
Begin journey or lay out SETFORTH
Broke promise in treacherous or rodent style RATTED
Careful and economical FRUGAL
Choose not to participate OPTOUT
Cured or smoked ham GAMMON
Funny man, maybe stand-up COMIC
Greet in military style SALUTE
Grown-ups, mature people ADULTS
Hard stone with bands of colour AGATE
He hides on ship to avoid paying fare STOWAWAY
I'm racist, having oriental sword SCIMITAR
Long level area for walking beside the sea ESPLANADE
Clues Answers
Not now, in a while LATER
On these, you're on hands and knees ALLFOURS
Pierced by metal spike, like meat SKEWERED
Popular toilet water - . . . de Cologne EAU
Rare or far-fetched, like her creche RECHERCHE
Ring it to announce presence of arrival in bordello DOORBELL
Set of parts sold to be assembled KIT
Stop doing something DESIST
Stopped or discontinued CEASED
Stubborn or unyielding OBSTINATE
Surprise greatly AMAZE
Take meaning from INFER
Take stand against OPPOSE
The glasses in spectacles LENSES
Thespian who overacts, informally HAM
Think resentfully about family of children? BROOD
Trembled violently as with horror SHUDDERED
US state, capital Augusta (5) MAINE