New York Times - Oct 9 1997

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Clues Answers
'___ the end of my rope!' IMAT
A foot in a line IAMB
A pin may go through it HASP
Angelic symbol HALO
Ankylosaur feature ARMOR
Bad start? MAL
Baker's quote from 'Romeo and Juliet'? ITISTHEYEAST
Bear lair DEN
Benefits HELPS
Black INKY
Braves Hall-of-Famer Warren SPAHN
Camera setting FSTOP
Can. heads PMS
Caterwauls YOWLS
Cheap-seeming TINNY
Cinders in old strips ELLA
Cirrus cloud formation WISP
Clerical scarf STOLE
Count finish ESS
Cubic meter STERE
Deli buy SALAMI
Do in SLAY
Expositions FAIRS
Fact-filled reference ALMANAC
Film about burgling partners? THEYEGGANDI
Florists' needs POTS
Fragrant lily HYACINTH
Gardener's role HOER
Greek letter ETA
Hankers YENS
Horned vipers ASPS
Impatient ANTSY.
Improvise, as a historian? PLAYITBYYEAR
Impudence LIP
In ___ (as found) SITU
It's spoken in Kuala Lumpur MALAY
Clues Answers
Jewell of 'The Facts of Life' GERI
Juan Carlos, e.g. REY
Jubilance ELATION
Kind of machine DITTO
Kind of talk SHOP
Lacquered metalware TOLE
Late Norwegian king OLAV
Merit EARN
Nicholas Gage best seller ELENI
Old Renault LECAR
Olympics preliminary HEAT
One of a bicycle pair REARTIRE
One of TV's Simpsons LISA
One-named supermodel IMAN
One-person boats SKIFFS
Pane frame SASH
Ramsey Lewis Trio song about Taoists? THEYINCROWD
Rest after almuerzo SIESTA
Rope fiber SISAL
Sabbatical, e.g. LEAVE
Set foot (on) TROD
Small liqueur glass PONY
Spain's Saint Teresa of ___ AVILA
Spanish beaches PLAYAS
Staff of Life: Abbr. EDS
Supports for laths STUDS
Taj ___ MAHAL
They're fertilized OVA
Townshend of the Who PETE
Verily YEA
Vitamin bottle info RDAS
Waffle HEDGE
What 'nobody doesn't like' SARALEE
Witness stand statement OATH