Premier Sunday - King Feature Syndicate - Jul 2 2006

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Clues Answers
'-- dern tootin'!' YER
'-- you clever!' ARENT
'Can't -- just get along?' WEALL
'Imagine' singer LENNON
'Shalom' PEACE
'Star Trek' lieutenant UHURA
'Thanks, monsieur' MERCI
'The Ernie Kovacs Show' regular EDIEADAMS
'You Are So Beautiful' singer Joe COCKER
-- -for-profit NOT
-- flash (pronto) INA
-- siege to LAY
-- Valley (San Francisco area) NOE
123-Across event ANNUALPARADE
123-Across symbol AMERICANFLAG
1988 Olympics city SEOUL
Actress Winona RYDER
Aesop work FABLE
Allergy medication brand CLARITIN
Animated FOX series FUTURAMA
Appliance setting LOW
Aug. follower SEP
Baseball card stat RBI
Big mix-ups MESSES
Bit of a chill NIP
Boulder ROCK
Bread machine? ATM
Brewing stuff YEAST
Business agt. REP
Caesar's 1,950 MCML
China's Mao -- -tung TSE
Chocolate substitute CAROB
Classic auto REO
Close again, as a change purse RESNAP
Come- -- (lures) ONS
Creditor's claim LIEN
Cushioned PADDED
Daily record LOG
Diary writer Anais NIN
Dissenter's vote NAY
Divan SOFA
Drain cleaner LYE
Early computer ENIAC
Embraced HELD
Employ USE
Endures ABIDES
Erwin of film STU
Essence SOUL
Fast Internet connection svc. DSL
Female bleater EWE
Final LAST
Financially ruined BANKRUPT
Garbage collectors, in the past ASHMEN
Girl, in time WOMAN
Go off, as a volcano ERUPT
Group closely associated with 123-Across CONTINENTALCONGRESS
H2O, in Le Havre EAU
Hen sounds CLUCKS
Heroic narratives SAGAS
Historic lead-in PRE
Hobo BUM
Hostilely adverse INIMICAL
Ill-natured SOUR
Improved partner NEW
Infamous emperor NERO
Inflatable boats RAFTS
Inter -- (among other things) ALIA
Ireland, in Ireland EIRE
Java holder MUG
JFK jet, once SST
Clues Answers
Kitten's cry MEW
Large, white flower GARDENIA
Let a breath out EXHALE
Like many sr. citizens RET
Like mumps VIRAL
Little leaf on a flower SEPAL
Lovers' god EROS
Managed to avoid ELUDED
Mauna -- (dormant volcano) KEA
Menial worker HIRELING
Mineo of 'Giant' SAL
Miseries GRIEFS
Moved back and forth SWAYED
Mrs. Reagan NANCY
Muckraker Sinclair UPTON
Muscat locale OMAN
Nav. rank ENS
North Carolina's -- University ELON
Not in the pink ILL
Notices SEES
Novels' main stories PLOTLINES
Obtain by force EXTORT
Of the moon LUNAR
Overhead railways ELS
Papa Doc's domain HAITI
Paramedic procedure CPR
Peruvian of old INCA
Principal MAJOR
Prison part WARD
Profess ALLEGE
Record store purchase ALBUM
Remote FAR
Reprieve granter PARDONER
Roman orator SENECA
Salivate DROOL
Saucer in the sky UFO
See 130-Across PRIMAVERA
Seek food FORAGE
Sets of fed. income-tax rules IRSCODES
Short shuteye NAP
Singer Irene CARA
Sorrow WOE
Sphere GLOBE
Sport- -- (off-road vehicle) UTE
Squishy SOFT
Staff sgt., e.g. NCO
Star, briefly CELEB
Subway systems METROS
Suffix with plug or pay OLA
Swift horse ARAB
Tennis star Edberg STEFAN
Theme of this puzzle INDEPENDENCEDAY
Tiny fraction of a min. NSEC
To's partner FRO
Trig function SINE
TV co-host Kelly RIPA
TV's '-- Children' ALLMY
Ukrainian port YALTA
Weaklings MILKSOPS
West Coast sch. UCLA
What the punctuation mark '...' is called ELLIPSIS
When 123-Across is observed THEFOURTHOFJULY
When repeated, a pop band DURAN
With 82-Down, trattoria dish PASTA
Wolf Blitzer's broadcaster CNN
Year, in Rio ANO
Zero NIL