Eugene Sheffer - King Feature Syndicate - Sep 25 2009

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
'That's funny!' to a texter LOL
Amorphous mass GLOB
Anne who married Henry VIII BOLEYN
Antitoxins SERA
Anvil's site EAR
Bake eggs SHIRR
Become one WED
Bobby of hockey ORR
Born NEE
Braille component DOT
Burn somewhat SEAR
Cincinnati team REDS
Coffin support BIER
Command to Fido HEEL
Constitutional LEGAL
Curved molding OGEE
Detail ITEM
Engine noise PURR
Extinct New Zealander MOA
File holders CDROMS
Formal discussions SYMPOSIA
Ganges wrap SARI
Genealogy chart TREE
Green land EIRE
Homer's interjection DOH
Huffs and puffs BLOWS
Illinois city CAIRO
Clues Answers
Judge Lance ITO
Laugh-a-minute RIOT
Lily variety SEGO
Loathe HATE
Mexican entree TACO
More than enthusiastic AGOG
On the rocks ICED
Orated SPOKE
Overcast GRAY
Oxen's binder YOKE
Perry Mason portrayer BURR
Picks out of a lineup IDS
Plaything TOY
Ponder MUSE
Prepare a casserole BAKE
Shade provider ELM
Ship's front PROW
Small flycatcher PEWEE
Squirrels' hangouts OAKS
Sweet potato YAM
Swiss canton URI
Talk a blue streak? CURSE
Tiers ROWS
Too confident SMUG
Traditional tales LORE
Unescorted STAG
Unpaid bill DEBT
Use a teaspoon STIR
Versifier POET
Wild party BASH
Young blokes LADS