- Apr 11 2011

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
''Beauty and the __'' BEAST
''Finally!'' ATLAST
''I'd love to!'' YES
''Nanny'' animal GOAT
After-bath wraps ROBES
Agile SPRY
Approx. landing hour ETA
At the drop of __ (quickly) AHAT
Banquet host EMCEE
Become overcast DARKEN
Bowling-alley button RESET
Bus. bigwig CEO
Calls a halt to STOPS
Carryall bags TOTES
Carton sealer TAPE
Cheek cosmetic ROUGE
Cincinnati's state OHIO
Clumsy one's remark OOPS
Coffeehouse orders LATTES
Complains, slangily MOANS
Conical tent TEPEE
Dance and drama ARTS
Disco lights STROBES
Feel sorry about RUE
Get a look at SEE
Glides on snow SKIS
Golfer's shout FORE
Hem alterers TAILORS
Hive dweller BEE
In between ports ATSEA
In the know AWARE
In the past AGO
Kitchen strainer SIEVE
Lead actor STAR
Lengthy story SAGA
Looks good on SUITS
Made less sharp DULLED
Merit-badge org. BSA
Misfortune WOE
Clues Answers
Most important MAIN
Not to be talked out of SETON
One facing the pitcher BATTER
One's life story MEMOIR
Paid, with ''up'' ANTED
Pesto herb BASIL
Poisonous snakes ASPS
Poker player's last words IMOUT
Pose a question ASK
Prefix meaning ''against'' ANTI
Prepare presents again REWRAP
Pulled apart TORE
Reads a bar code SCANS
Rhyme writers POETS
Salad morsel OLIVE
Santa's bagful TOYS
Schoolbook TEXT
Segment PART
Shoelace snarl KNOT
Slanted typeface: Abbr. ITAL
Soft ''Hey, you!'' PSST
Stand up RISE
Strike out at ASSAIL
Suitable APT
Summit APEX
Take care of TEND
Takes advantage of USES
Talks too much GABS
Tattered and torn RATTY
Teary-eyed MISTY
Thwart FOIL
Valentine's Day flower ROSE
Wine glasses GOBLETS
__ moss (gardening material) PEAT