The Washington Post - Feb 15 2022

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
'Congrats to us!' WEDIDIT
'Goldfinger' fort KNOX
'The Entertainer,' e.g RAG
'The Godfather' enforcer __ Brasi LUCA
'The Raven' writer POE
'The Simpsons' outburst DOH
'Walk a __ in My Shoes': Joe South hit MILE
'__ of a Salesman' DEATH
'__ Yankees' DAMN
Acting credits list CAST
Admin on Reddit MOD
Beige look-alike ECRU
Brontë's Jane EYRE
Car with a four-ring 54-Down AUDI
Chowder ingredient CLAM
Collegian's diet staple RAMEN
Comics explosion KABOOM
Comics villain __ Kadabra ABRA
Counter offering Italian, French and Russian options SALADBAR
Deal (with) COPE
Draw TIE
Emoji, for one ICON
Enjoy an e-cig VAPE
Equipment, on a balance sheet ASSET
Extremely, as rich FILTHY
Facility EASE
Flower harbinger BUD
Formerly named NEE
Garlicky spread AIOLI
Geek Squad member TECHIE
Historic U.S. Olympics hockey victory, familiarly MIRACLEONICE
Hosp. crisis area ICU
Injury reminder SCAR
Iroquoian people, or a hairstyle named for them MOHAWK
It's true FACT
Key tahini ingredient SESAME
Clues Answers
Leaf-wrapped masa dish TAMALE
Move like molasses OOZE
Nawlins subs POBOYS
Noticed SEEN
Pained whine MOAN
Peter and Agnes: Abbr STS
Poet Pound EZRA
Police storage facility EVIDENCELOCKER
Quake aftershock TREMOR
Rd. or hwy RTE
Red gem RUBY
Satirist who redefined the word 'truthiness' STEPHENCOLBERT
See 2-Down LOGO
Shoe brand that sounds like a sound ECCO
Shrek, for one OGRE
Singer Lambert who sometimes sings with Queen ADAM
Some school RAs SRS
Start to crumble? CEE
Std. paper size LTR
Stomach or guts NERVE
Structure with a keystone ARCH
Sweltering HOT
Tennis format with man-and-woman pairs ... and a hint to each set of circles MIXEDDOUBLES
They pop up too often ADS
Thing to scratch ITCH
Tolkien trilogy, to fans LOTR
Tried hard (for) STROVE
Two piece? DUET
Unpeaceful, queasy feeling NAUSEA
Van Helsing nemesis DRACULA
Votes for YEAS
Wedding hires CATERERS
Welcome at the door GREET
Women's Basketball Hall of Famer Miller CHERYL
Word before origin or identity ETHNIC
Word with bag or ball AIR
__ City Music Hall RADIO