- Mar 21 2021

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
''Boléro'' composer RAVEL
''Caddyshack'' director RAMIS
''Darn it!'' DRAT
''Green'' prefix ECO
''The Stranger'' novelist CAMUS
''Then again . . .'' in tweets OTOH
''Tidy'' amounts SUMS
''What an oaf I am!'' DUH
10-foot-tall predator KODIAKBEAR
A son of Jacob ASHER
Actor Epps OMAR
Address a convention ORATE
Airy farewell TATA
Amenable OPEN
Animal tale FABLE
Arabian nation OMAN
Atmospheric elements GASES
Atoll, essentially CORAL
Author Austen JANE
Battle with words SPAR
Be a speculator GUESS
Bed on wheels COT
Bogie, in ''The Maltese Falcon'' SAM
Bogus deal SCAM
Brass section HORNS
Cable installer's supply WIRE
Cause to expect BODE
Change one's mind REVERSE
Chevy muscle car CAMARO
Construction beam IBAR
Dairy denizens JERSEYCATTLE
Dark area in an eclipse UMBRA
Decide to compete in ENTER
Degree of depth LOWNESS
Demean ABASE
Erstwhile Russian state: Abbr SSR
Extreme distaste ODIUM
Extremely, informally WAY
Falstaffian, size-wise OBESE
Farm family BROOD
Feed conventioneers CATER
Feeds, as hogs SLOPS
Fencer's blade EPEE
Finger jabs POKES
Flagpoles MASTS
Flings with force HURLS
Floor measures AREAS
Former PLO leader ARAFAT
Fuss over oneself PREEN
Gardening tool SPADE
Glass fragment SHARD
Go separate ways PART
Group for brainiacs MENSA
Gumbo ingredient OKRA
Half a score TEN
Herb in stuffing SAGE
Highly unlikely SLIM
Home for hogs PEN
Hopeless case GONER
Hotshot pilots ACES
Initiation ceremony RITE
Ion, at times ATOM
Is swarming (with) TEEMS
Jam-pack CRAM
Juvenile rebuttal ARESO
Keep tabs on OVERSEE
Labor leader Chavez CESAR
Leave in a hurry BOLT
Logical inconsistencies HOLES
Look narrowly PEER
Clues Answers
Major inconvenience PAIN
Marvel Universe nickname SPIDEY
Massive quantity TON
Most glum MOPIEST
Move snakily CREEP
Musical set in Buenos Aires EVITA
Muslim domain IMAMATE
Name on a pet tag OWNER
Narrow cuts SLITS
Negotiator AGENT
Nomination creation SLATE
Not right somehow AMISS
Not very substantial THIN
One taking the odds BETTOR
PC bailout key ESC
Pessimistic plaint ICANT
Philly sandwich HOAGIE
Pi follower RHO
Piano technicians TUNERS
Place for polish TOE
Place to graze LEA
Placed on display SHOWN
Plaintiff ACCUSER
Poe title talker RAVEN
Polynesian root crop TARO
Romantic ''emozione'' AMORE
Rose-garden invaders APHIDS
Rotisserie rods SPITS
Rum cocktail CUBALIBRE
Sampras of tennis PETE
Sandwich shop delivery RYES
Scoundrels RATS
Self-styled expert MAVEN
Short-music suffix ETTA
Showed disbelief GAPED
Small, shaggy dog SKYETERRIER
Some Sunday-paper ads INSERTS
Soufflé specialist BAKER
Sound made by fingers SNAP
Spaces under skylights ATRIA
Spice Girl Halliwell GERI
Stock up on AMASS
Sundance's pal BUTCH
Supermarket lineup CARTS
Suspenseful TENSE
Sweet garnish BERMUDAONION
Talent show judges PANELS
Tent stabilizer PEG
Tequila cocktail, for short RITA
Threw in ADDED
Thurman of filmdom UMA
Time after twilight SUNSET
Tour leader GUIDE
Turns blue, say DYES
TV host Trevor NOAH
Two speaker setup STEREO
Valorous one HERO
Vittles GRUB
Wall Street trader ARB
Was transported RODE
Wavy-patterned fabric MOIRE
Wet septet SEAS
What's read from a bookshelf SPINE
With 25 Across, tomatoey soup MANHATTAN
Women's three-quarter-length wear CAPRIPANTS
Working hours UPTIME
Ye __ Shoppe OLDE
You, long ago THEE
Ziti cousin PENNE
__ for (decides on) OPTS
__ whale (Arctic swimmer) BALEEN
__-à-terre PIED