L.A. Times Daily - Apr 27 2020

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Clues Answers
"It's __-brainer!" ANO
"Jeepers!" SHEESH
"Lovely" musical meter maid RITA
Ab neighbor PEC
Agrees quietly NODS
Beautiful people, as a group GLITTERATI
Big Island port HILO
Bit of dust in a sunbeam MOTE
Black, in Bordeaux NOIRE
Bread with hummus PITA
Brown shades TANS
Bunches of Brownies TROOPS
Cape Canaveral event LAUNCH
Capote nickname TRU
Comes to the aid of DEFENDS
Comics possum POGO
Cooped cluckers HENS
Couch or bench SEAT
Defense org.? ABA
Dog collar dangler IDTAG
Drink suffix ADE
Eat away at ERODE
Erasure marks SMUDGES
Fab Four first name PAUL
Fake coin SLUG
Frisks, with "down" PATS
Get all blubbery SOB
Grabbed a bite ATE
Hamster homes CAGES
HBO-owned broadcaster CINEMAX
High-five sound SLAP
Hotel accommodations for couples, and a hint to both parts of 20-, 27- and 49-Across DOUBLEROOMS
Household gathering to discuss something FAMILYMEETING
How some close NFL games are won INOT
Idaho product POTATO
Jouster's mount STEED
Last bio OBIT
Clues Answers
Like a fog-enshrouded cemetery EERIE
Like epic novels LONG
Loafer or moc SHOE
Lump of dirt CLOD
Mail-routing abbr ATTN
Martinez with three Cy Youngs PEDRO
Minnesota's state bird LOON
Not within walking distance FAR
Nothing more than MERE
Outlying communities EXURBS
Pancake flipper SPATULA
Philanthropist BENEFACTOR
Piedmont wine center ASTI
Place to hold a snifter STEM
Pull a pre-exam all-nighter CRAM
Push in some chips BET
Quarterback Brady TOM
Rental industry with units for extra belongings PUBLICSTORAGE
Sacred Nile bird IBIS
Salt Lake City's state UTAH
Scorch SEAR
Scrolling PC key PGUP
Seashore recess INLET
Seekers of intel SPIES
Sensitive skin spots SORES
Severely overcook BURN
Slender wind OBOE
So, so small TEENY
Stick in one's __ CRAW
Strategy with delaying tactics WAITINGGAME
Super-excited AGOG
Tailor's line SEAM
There's no winner in one TIE
Tree trunk BOLE
Veggie favored by Popeye SPINACH
When many start lunch NOON
Word in a bailiff's order RISE
__ telepathy MENTAL