L.A. Times Magazine - Jan 3 2010

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Clues Answers
"Ach du ___!" LIEBER
"Drown in ___ of whiskey? Death, where is thy sting?" (W.C. Fields) AVAT
"Go away," old-style AVAUNT
"I heard ya the first time" YEAHYEAH
"Loser" or "Believer" intro IMA
"Under Siege" star SEAGAL
"What a piece of work ___" (Shak.) ISMAN
1992 Earth Summit site RIO
60 = ___ (continues at 73 Across) SUNSETSTRIP
A comic reaction? HAHA
A Louis XIV
Actress Adams MAUD
Actress Lanchester ELSA
Advice column stuff INFO
Arg. belongs to it OAS
Assistant AIDE
Attire GARB
Author Ambler ERIC
Barrel wood OAK
Behind-the-wheel no-no DUI
Beyond repair SHOT
Boxer's measurement ARM
Caine's cad ALFIE
Came out of it WOKE
Chocolate source CACAO
Church section APSE
Classic roadsters MGS
Clickable address URL
Coach's cue, e.g. SIGN
Colt's fan club? NRA
Comfortable ATEASE
Computer pointer CURSOR
Cow palace? DAIRY
Crunchy bowlful GRANOLA
Deciduous tree ELM
Depend RELY
Diesel of films VIN
Disney's "Darby ___ and the Little People" OGILL
Echolocation user BAT
Egg opening? OVO
Energy shortage? ANEMIA
Entrepreneur's entry under "employer" SELF
Fit for duty ABLE
Freed, as from paying a tax EXEMPTED
Freedom, in Swahili UHURU
Frolic ROMP
Frosty coating RIME
Funicello beachmate AVALON
Greed or envy SIN
Greek epic ILIAD
Guitar man Fender LEO
Heart, for one PUMP
Hercules slew its lion NEMEA
Holder you eat CONE
In ___ (out of it) AFOG
It follows directions ERN
It goes with a Martini? ROSSI
It mentions the words "more perfect" PREAMBLE
Joseph Campbell's "The Power ___" OFMYTH
Leopold's co-defendant LOEB
Letter-shaped fasteners UBOLTS
Like Glory OLD
Like some pockets DEEP
Like SpongeBob's tie RED
Clues Answers
Little Caesar's piece GAT
Looped handle on a vase ANSA
Low-level laborers PEONS
Mag. edition ISS
Major blows KOS
Milan's La ___ SCALA
Misspell "misspell," e.g. ERR
Model in a bottle SHIP
Most earthlings ASIANS
Music notes FAS
Nail to the wall HANG
Name of two German saints ULRIC
Night lights AURORAS
Not feeling up ___ TOPAR
Now's partner HERE
Obsessed skipper AHAB
On ___ (secretly) THEQT
One way to start ANEW
Oracle site DELPHI
Palindromic name ADA
Paradise of "On the Road" SAL
Personal-ad abbr. SWM
Pet projects in bills PORK
Picked out CULLED
Piggy TOE
Poker Flat creator Bret HARTE
Press again REIRON
Pt. of a line SEG
Put to flight ROUT
Quake opening SEISMO
Quick APT
Reason to say "oy, vey!" TSURIS
Robert of "Big" and "Jagged Edge" LOGGIA
Salem or Selma CITY
Salt Lake City athlete UTE
Secluded valley GLEN
Sicko or wacko, e.g. SLANG
Singer of "Inchworm" on film KAYE
Smart's partner? SASSY
Spiny anteaters ECHIDNAS
Spoils LOOT
Strange things floating around UFOS
Sudden outpourings SPATES
Symbols of opportunity OPENDOORS
Tattered attire RAGS
The goldfish in "Pinocchio" CLEO
The good earth? LOAM
The Police or Green Day TRIO
The silent ___ TREATMENT
The world, in Latin phrases ORBI
To ___ few NAMEA
Toils in soil HOES
Tot's bruise BOOBOO
Track numbers ODDS
Turkish soldier SPAHI
TV's Fife, for ex. DEP
Type of pass, with "alley" OOP
Units of appreciation? TOKENS
USN officers LTS
Vegas strategy SYSTEM
Verb ending? OSE
Wash cycle RINSE
Weigh station stopper SEMI
William Tell's canton URI
Word with loose or tight END
___ avis RARA
___ buco OSSO
___ good deed DOA
___ many words INSO
___-eyed BLEARY