- Dec 11 2009

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Clues Answers
''Avril'' follower MAI
''Butter Battle Book'' faction YOOKS
''Casablanca'' role ILSA
''Christina's World'' artist WYETH
''Ta-ta!'' IMOFF
''The Reader'' actress OLIN
''__ Is Born'' ASTAR
'60s sitcom kid, for short BEAV
AOL et al. ISPS
Arrogant one SNOB
As well TOO
Assemble a scarf KNIT
Attraction DRAW
Brewer or Pirate NLER
Bunco-squad concern FRAUD
Cause for alarm SCARE
Chapters of history WARS
Charged particle ION
Church councils SYNODS
Closes in on NEARS
Common bio subtitle ALIFE
Conductor Klemperer OTTO
Creator of Jett in ''Giant'' EDNA
Deadlocked TIED
Do word processing EDIT
Fairy-tale creature TROLL
Fearsome dino TREX
Five-spot ABE
French Sudan, today MALI
Genesis city SODOM
Gets around SKIRTS
Green-light OKAY
In the short term FORNOW
Is not up to snuff WONTDO
Jazz instrument SAX
Knowing about ONTO
Lack of movement INACTION
Miami suburb DORAL
MPG agency EPA
Clues Answers
Newton formulation LAW
Norse god ODIN
Outcome RESULT
Overlook OMIT
Power source MOTOR
Pro __ TEM
Property attachments LIENS
Returns data: Abbr. SSNS
Rihanna's music RANDB
Santa __ winds ANA
Scintilla IOTA
Scottish landowner LAIRD
Scuba gear SNORKEL
Second starter NANO
Sheer delight BLISS
Showed happiness, maybe WEPT
Singer Lopez TRINI
Slips into DONS
Start again, as talks REOPEN
Steel city ESSEN
Stitched SEWN
Sure winners SHOOINS
The whole shebang ALL
Throw about STREW
Totaled RANTO
Tugs at PULLS competitor EBAY
Unimportant PENNYANTE
Unimportant SMALLTIME
Up in the air INDOUBT
Varied: Abbr. MISC
Volatile liquid NITRO
Went after SETAT
Zero-star POOR
__ colada PINA