New York Times - Jun 4 1997

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Clues Answers
'The ___ have it' AYES
'___ Named Sue' ABOY
A single time ONCE
Academic term SEMESTER
Actor Beatty NED
Actor John ___-Davies RHYS
Arum lily CALLA
Bath's county AVON
Be exultant CROW
Blind segment SLAT
Book addendum APPENDIX
Bridge achievement SLAM
Bringing off DOING
Chinese nurse AMAH
Consequently THUS
Darling of the diamond RON
Debutante's affair BALL
Describing some skiing ALPINE
European viper ADDER
Fruit at the bar LEMON
Gefilte fish ingredient CARP
Giraffe's relative OKAPI
Gloucester's king LEAR
Gordie of the N.H.L. HOWE
Guest room, frequently DEN
Hotel charges RATES
Identify NAME
In ___ (undisturbed) SITU
Jostle ELBOW
Kesey and Follett KENS
Kind of flare or system SOLAR
Kind of show or band ONEMAN
Clues Answers
Lamb's pen name ELIA
Mahler's 'Das Lied von der ___' ERDE
Manche capital STLO
Mardi Gras follower LENT
Mt. Rushmore's state: Abbr. SDAK
Neither's partner NOR
Nicholas or Alexander TSAR
Old World goat IBEX
One of Chekhov's Three Sisters OLGA
One welcomed to the fold? EWE
Play for time STALL
Porgy's beloved BESS
Porterhouse kin TBONE
Prosciutto HAM
Red-tag event SALE
Ring shout OLE
Rival of Rival ALPO
Selfish sort TAKER
Servants HELP
Shortly ANON
Shy and modest DEMURE
Small setback SNAG
Snack items CHIPS
Sorrowful sound SOB
Sound quality TONE
Start of a Hamlet soliloquy TOBE
Stephen King's home state MAINE
Striped chalcedony AGATE
Subj. for an M.B.A. ECON
Suffix with vocal IST
Tailor, at times MENDER
Teatro ___ Scala ALLA
Tide type NEAP
Well-bred chap GENT
Where Saul consulted a witch ENDOR
Wonder AWE
[Just like that!] BANG