Universal - Mar 30 2015

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
"Blackfish" animal ORCA
"Boola Boola" collegians ELIS
"Cops" sound SIREN
"Don't forget about me" AHEM
"Superman" actor Christopher REEVE
"___ well" ALLIS
'60s sports cars GTOS
007 BOND
Acclaim ECLAT
Adam lived there EDEN
Amniotic ___ SAC
Babysitter's handful IMP
Baddies OGRES
Baffling problem POSER
Bide one's time WAIT
Bold and sassy PERT
Boozehound TOPER
Brazen one HUSSY
Breezed through, as an exam ACED
Bundle SHEAF
Bygone music system HIFI
Cantankerous TESTY
Carell of Hollywood STEVE
Coffee container URN
Common carrier AUTO
Communism and others IDEOLOGIES
Contract conditions TERMS
Costa del Sol feature PLAYA
Deep blue sea OCEAN
Demolished a London flat RASED
Draws to a close ENDS
Dwell permanently RESIDE
Eagle's home AERIE
Early afternoon hour TWO
Excited by INTO
Eyelid affliction STYE
Famous clinic MAYO
Fanged Nile menace ASP
Clues Answers
Figure to shoot for PAR
Fix firmly, in a way RIVET
Flowerpot material TERRACOTTA
Go bungee jumping LEAP
Grow bored or impatient TIRE
Hung up on esses LISP
Increase motor speed, briefly REV
Indian royal RANI
Islands dish POI
It may come after many moons? AGO
Last Olds model produced ALERO
Letters to the editor READERRESPONSES
Like some equations LINEAR
Major network NBC
Man in the making LAD
Mantra syllables OMS
Map inside a map INSET
Negotiation problem SNAG
Pan Am alternative TWA
Poem with complex stanza forms ODE
Providing support ATONESSIDE
Pub favorite ALE
Ripped TORE
Skilled mariner SEADOG
Strike anew REHIT
Supply provisions CATER
The "fat" in "Fat Tuesday" GRAS
This puzzle's theme word READ
Towel holders RODS
Used Western Union WIREDMONEY
Wedding cake parts TIERS
Word with "industrial" and "martial" ARTS
Young boy TAD
___ an egg (bombed) LAID
___ Christi CORPUS
___ Lanka (Ceylon) SRI